What is the language of business
Accounting is a ........
Ans : Information system
What is the end function of accounting
Ans : Reporting
What is asset, liability, equity
Asset - Assets are resources controlled by an organization from which future economic benefits will flow
Liability - Liabilities are present obligation because of past events
Equity - It is the owner's residual interest in the assets of an enterprise after deducting all its liabilities.
Below are asset accounts
Prepaid expenses
Sundry debtors
Bills receivable
Below are liability accounts
Bills payable
Sundry creditors
Unearned revenues
Other short-term liabilities(Wages Payable,Income tax payable,Interest payable, and Dividends payable)
Long-term liabilities
Below are owner's equity accounts
Share capital
Retained earnings
Revenue and expense accounts
What is expense
Expenses are decreases in economic benefits during the accounting period in the form of outflows or depletions of assets or incurrences of liabilities that result in decreases in equity, other than those relating to distributions to equity participants.
All expenses are divided into operational, capital, and financial ones.
Operational expense (OPEX)—salary for employees
Capital expenditure (CAPEX)—buying equipment
Financial expense—interest expense for loans and bonds
What are the different branches of accounting
Financial accounting - It is the preparation and communication of financial information mainly for those outside the organisation
Management accounting - It is the preparation and communication of financial and other information for the internal use of management
Cost accounting - is the collation of data for inventory valuation
What are the components of financial statement
Balance sheet - Statement of financial position
Income statement(also called a Profit and loss Statement) - Statement of financial performance
Cash Flow statement - Statement of cash receipts and cash payments
Notes to Accounts and Accounting policies
Who are the users of financial statements
Present and potential investiors
Security Analysts and Advisers
Suppliers and creditors
Governments and regulatory agencies
What are the assumptions underlying preparation of financial statements
Accounting entity
Going concern
Money measurement
What are different types of accounting methods
Cash Basis - Cash-basis accounting is a method of bookkeeping that records financial events based on cash flows and cash position. Revenue is recognized when cash is received and expense is recognized when cash is paid. In cash-basis accounting, revenues and expenses are also called cash receipts and cash payments.
Accrual basis - The effects of transactions and other events are recognised when they occur and reported in the financial statements of the period to which they relate
What are the qualitative characteristics of financial statements
Faithful representation
Substance over form
What is operating activity,Investing activity and financing activity
Operating activity - The principal revenue producing activity
Investing activity - Refers to acquisition and disposal of long-term assets and other investments
Financing activity - Those activities that result in changes in the size and composition of the owner's capital including preference capital
What is capital and revenue expenditure
Ans : Capital expenditure are expenditures creating future benefits. Expenditure for the purchase or expansion of fixed assets are capital expenditures
1. Expenditure that extend useful life ,improve the quality of output,or reduce operating costs of an existing fixed asset.
2. acquiring fixed asset
3. bringing them into business
4. legal costs of buying buildings
5. carriage inwards on machinery bought
6. any other cost needed for a fixed asset ready for use
Ans: Expenditures for ordinary repairs,maintenance,fuel,insurance,eqipment are called revenue expenditure . They are debited into expense accounts. Revenue expenditures are charged to the income of the period in which they are incurred because benefits from these expenditures do no last beyond the current accounting period.
Capital expenditure goes to asset account
Revenue expenditure goes to expense account
What is matching principle
Revenues have to be matched and correlated with all the expenses of a particular year
In other words,profit is determined after charging the expenses of a period with the revenues earned in the same period
What is historical cost,current cost,fair market value,realisable cost,present value
Histroical cost - is the original monetory value of an economic item.
Current cost - The cash or equivalent that would have to be paid for a current acquisition of the same or an equivalent asset. Current cost is the valuation measurement used most for inventories.
Fair Market value - The cash or equivalent realizable by selling an asset in an orderly liquidation. Fair market value is the valuation measurement requirement for marketable securities.
Realisable cost - The cash or equivalent expected to be received for an asset in the due course of business, less reasonable further costs to make the item ready for sale, including allowances for uncollectibles. Net realizable value is the valuation measurement used most for short-term receivable and some inventories.
Present value - The value of an amount today of some future payment to be paid or received later, discounted at some interest rate. Present value is the valuation measurement used most for long-term receivables.
What is capital and capital maintenance
Ans: The concept of capital gives rise to the following concepts.
Financial capital maintenance - Under this concept a profit is earned only if the financial(or money) amount of the net assets at the end of the period exceeds the financial(or money) amount of net assets at the beginning of the period, after excluding any distributions to,and contributions from,owners during the period. Financial capital maintenance can be measured in either monetary units or units of constant purchasing power.
Physical Capital Maintenance - Under this concept a profit is earned only if the physical productive capacity (or operating capability) of the enterprise(or the resources or funds needed to achieve that capacity) at the end of the period exceeds the physical productive capacity at the beginning of the period , after excluding any distributions to,and contributions from owners during the period.